Parents and individuals, impacted by the COVID situation or with low median incomes may qualify to participate in the partnership programs and get counseling at a substantial discount.

Who qualifies for the program?

High-quality, accessible emotional counseling is tough to come by in financially difficult times. And I want to help.

While I won’t be able to approve everyone, there are certain situations that have greater needs. You may qualify if you find yourself in these circumstances:

  • Job loss
  • Financial Crunch
  • Challenges with payment of Counseling fee
  • Relationship loss


How does the program work?

This partnership program is bigger than just a discount.

I’m going to ask you to share your video, a testimonial before and after, and write an article about how counseling helped you, what changed, and what would you suggest it to anyone looking for a change.

You may be asked to do the following:

  • Share your insights on social media (Instagram, Facebook)
  • Record a video interview before and after the course/counseling sessions
  • Write an article about your experience

Submit your application

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