Performance is potential minus internal interference

Do you know someone who has panic attacks or faces anxiety?
Have you ever worried about the future, what could go wrong?
Are you familiar with the challenges family/friends faces when they have loved one with anxiety or panic attacks?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if we could feel the calmness in the most emotionally turbulent situations, have practical proactive ways to deal with anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, and panic attacks?

Neetu Shah (Consciousness Coach ) has been at both the ends of the spectrum, from anger, anxiety towards consciousness, equanimity. Her own journey of handling fourth-grade cancer of loved ones, life-threatening situations and parenting learnings along with consciousness and meditation, has helped her imbibe her experiences and learning in the course.

Rather than following mainstream options of diversion, avoidance, and temporary relief, we dive deeper into the inner self, deconstruct our toxic beliefs and develop equanimity.

We work with merging Eastern Spirituality and western psychology, which is creating such promising, results in its application.

Its combination of mindfulness, CBT, emotional resilience, philosophy of life, and spirituality.

“Every moment of one’s existence, one is growing into more or retreating into less.” ―Norman Mailer


  1. Why leave life situations to chance or wait for circumstances or people to change , which anyways is not in our control.
  2. Why wait for life to throw a curveball ,be it in form of anxiety attacks, health issues,brain fog or relationships going haywire.
  3. Why degrade body ,mind and soul with temporary reliefs in form of distractions(from alcohol to screen) ,or ignorance or avoidance
  4. Why not feel calm and equanimous rather then anger and blame.
  5. Why not be fully present for your loved ones & invest in being the best version of self.

How it works:-

Information is only one small aspect of learning.

Anyone with a good internet connection can find tons of information – the only easiest thing to find in today’s world.

Learning to think about information creatively, critically and practically, is what will set one apart from the crowd.

This workshop will help you by giving you daily practical challenges, thought exercises, and questions/discussions designed to engage in consciousness skills.

We lap it up with latest researches, books, our reads and documents , learning and implications in our lives,and share our experiences of fall and rise through trenches of consciousness.

We will debunk beliefs ,understand happiness and suffering, question definition of success, mindfully uncover form & formlessness,create awareness of abundance , accept our feelings,fear,lacks , nurture our inner child and deconstruct checklist provided by society and culture.

Learning is all about challenging yourself to think outside the box, and figuring out ways to use the information to create value for self and up your level.

How is it Structured:

This is an seven weeks workshop.

First week contains a daily online lesson, thought exercises,with questions for reflection and discussion on inner child, it’s needs ,fear s and how we formed beliefs.

Second week consist of understanding of cultural and society conditioning , how it constructs our being and checklists of worth .

Third week consists of redefining yourself with awareness of past conditioning.Developing mindfulness of accepting the AS-IS ness of the present.Developing tools of meditation and journaling with deconstruction of thoughts.

Fourth week is about , action , overcoming reactivity, following PCR (PAUSE -CHECK-RESPONSE) and growing deeper on mindfulness.

Fifth week is for release of ingrained archaic belief systems , accepting impermanence and imbibing equanimity.

Sixth week is going holistic and looking deeper into gut health (second brian) and overall food,nutrition and wellness.

Seventh week is deeper meditation ,shift from inner conflicts to conscious living.

There are Pitstops with in-person meetings with coach in Dubai and a dedicated Facebook page with a community of wisdom seekers .

You will be in touch with the facilitator throughout the workshop to ask questions or get feedback on your inner work.

“Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make.

It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

Robin Sharma