For career clarity & fulfilling career goals

We need to look at two different styles of career path

  1. Career to get a job – Earn a living so you can support your family
  2. Career as a part of living a meaningful life – doing what you love while earning money and growing in the most fulfilling way.

Understanding how a career works in real-world 

Research conducted by Harvard University, The Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Centre has all concluded that 

85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft skills, while only 15%of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge(hard skills)

Economists are increasingly focused on the importance of so-called “soft skills” for labor market success. 

The evidence is overwhelming that these skills — also called “ non-cognitive skills”(not predicted by IQ or achievement tests) — are important drivers of success in school and in adult life.

 Yet the very term soft skills reveals our lack of understanding of what these skills are, how to measure them, and whether and how they can be developed. 

Hard skills involve specific knowledge and abilities: For example technical proficiencies, mathematics, data analysis, etc. 

Soft skills focus on attributes and personality traits. For example time management, creativity, collaboration communication, critical thinking, emotions navigation,problem-solving, persuasion, adaptability, habits of mind, and flexibility to just name a few.

These have to do with your emotional intelligence and behavior.

Since soft skills are so important for your personal and professional success, you may wonder what can be done to include them for your career clarity.

80/20 rule

It was established back in 1918 by Mann’s study on engineering education that

approximately 80 percent of success is due to soft skills while 20 percent is due to hard skills.

Motivate your teen who doesn’t care about the career

Motivation requires connecting on an emotional level and a deeper understanding of self.

Emotion counseling for teens for clarity, motivation, and success works on a wider spectrum than plain career counseling 

Why emotions counseling ???

Avoid running on empty

Avoid boredom, burnout, and exhaustion

Keep motivation on 

Love what you do 

Earn doing what you LOVE

It’s different than career counselors as, together we unfold layers of emotions, INTRINSIC motivation, inspiration, soft skills, and mindset and not only focus on school/ academic results(hard skills) alone. 

Our goal is to find what you love to do, what are you good at, and how to have meaningful fulfilling life doing what you love and what makes you come alive.




Emotions Counseling for teens , works more efficiently than an alone academic focus for the only reason that humans are ruled by emotions not external results. and however we overlook it now, it resurfaces in life.

One’s career can’t be just based on academic skills or IQ or hard skills alone.

It requires soft skills and basis of which is emotional intelligence and hence emotions counseling for teens is a must.

Results will be self-directed, driven thriving teenagers with clarity of goals, inspired to achieve dreams, and working on skills.


Your current academic scores and school reports can give you a false sense of security but the reality of the job market has changed from hard skills to soft skills.

Our education system focuses more on hard skills hoping for the soft skills to develop on their own.

counseling for teens in dubai

Find your passion and purpose in life 

Gain clarity of 

What you love

What you are good at 

What one wants 

Develop soft skills required 

Explore hard skills to sync with a career goal 

Adolescent counseling 

Education Has Not Changed

A quick study on the curriculum used in high schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities reveals that not much has changed in years.

In most situations, educational institutions assume that their students possess these skills, learning them either from their families or other life experiences.

This may have had some validity in the past, but if parents or other adults do not possess soft skills, how can they teach them to others?

Counseling for teens and youth


How to incorporate what you love doing in your career goals?

  • Range of non-traditional interests to approved interests 
  • Deconstruct to gain attributes from your interests, hobbies, skills

How to find what you are good at besides academic test scores

  • Redefining skill sets and emotional connect
  • Anchoring skills with passion and purpose

What world needs and will pay for?

  • Narrowing down the options and strategizing 
  • Leverage love, skills into substantial 

What to add to your school life to achieve your career goals?

  • Work towards required soft skills set
  • Explore and prepare for hard skills requirement 

How do we do it?

Sets of exercises 

Skill-building tools 

Deep reflective exercises

Curiosity exercises 

Process versus results activities 

What do you gain

Pursue career goals with confidence and motivation 

Celebrate own strengths and qualities

Understand the value of soft skills

Leverage your strengths and interests

Develop strategies to incorporate success skills in career planning

Always be inspired to do what you love

Ability to maneuver setbacks

Develop productivity habits and time management

Good for whom and how much time

13-18 years old

8 weeks (1 session a week )

Each session -100 mins

Every 6 months reconnect and refresh WITH FOLLOW UP SESSIONS

Who runs it?

I,Neetu Shah am an emotions counselor for teens and youth, who works with needs, feelings, thoughts,dreams,desires,skills ,attitudes ,mindset to help them achieve what makes them come alive.

I work with teenagers to help them gain clarity regarding their career choices and pursue their choices with motivation.

I help them find a fine balance between what they love, their interests and skills so that they incorporate both their soft skills and hard skills to achieve their dream.