Troubled teenagers are sadly becoming a world-wide statistic. We watch teens in news and we read about them in newspapers. The epidemics of bad behavioral teen is unusually new in our times. If one suggestion to counteract this rapidly growing issue is to be made, it is simple and practical: adopting art outlets for troubled (or at-risk) teenagers.
Does your teen lash out? Has surprising bouts of anger that borders on rage? Do they seem to avoid you? Do they seem sad and desolate at times?
Have they stopped talking to you lately?
While this may a tough time in parenting for you, do not lose heart. Help yourself and your teen through the power of art classes. Let us convince you through published research results on teens working their way to success through engaging art classes. These studies show that teens who are encouraged to adopt art activities experience:
- better academic results,
- greater likelihood of college enrollment,
- increased self-esteem and resiliency,
- better workforce opportunities,
- improved emotional intelligence, and
- more civic engagement, such as voting and volunteering.
Art can truly be an inspiration to youth. The results speak for themselves. In todays highly urbanized, nuclear and double income families, art can provide a balm to those rough and sharp edges in relationships. Here are some of the benefits to teens who emerged as successful individuals through art activities:
Self-Expression. Expressing ourselves in constructive ways is a learned skill. We all know at least one person in our life who isn’t great at controlling their anger – perhaps a coworker, friend or neighbor calls people names or slams doors when they don’t get their way. To become successful adults, we must learn to channel our frustrations in a positive way. The arts open the door to self-reflection and self-expression. Learning to communicate through dancing, drawing, writing, or other arts offers a constructive method for a teen to share his/her identity or wrestling with difficult questions.
Stress Relief. Many artistic activities take place in a relaxing environment and offer constructive and safe methods of communicating. Troubled teens are under an enormous amount of stress, and many times, they are not taught how to manage it. In an increasingly complex and pressure-oriented world, teens need positive coping skills. The more our community’s youth are able to find positive ways to deal with stress, the better off we all are. Studies have proven that the arts can be great stress-relievers and coping mechanisms. Examples include listening to music, dancing, drawing, writing in a journal, painting, or playing a musical instrument. An arts program can open the door to positive stress management.
Real-World Skills. Many artistic activities, such as journalism or photography, teach real-world skills, which can lead to lifelong interests, even careers. They help kids explore their physical, creative, and social potential and find out where their interests may lie.
Creativity. Artistic programs can provide an outlet for creativity and problem-solving and encourage a youth’s natural curiosity and interests. The arts provide effective, engaging and creative methods of mental, emotional and physical stimulation, which encourages the overall creative thinking process.Try our CREATIVE GENIUS PROGRAM here.
Self-Confidence. For a teen who is not gifted academically, the chance to excel in the arts can make a huge difference in their self-esteem. Additionally, when children learn new skills and engage in social activities, they become more self-confident. Learning social skills, like cooperation, negotiation, and conflict resolution, in a fun and relaxed environment, will help them interact appropriately with others – a skill valuable in all aspects of life, from home life to the workplace.
Art Programs
The most effective arts programs for youth contain activities that are designed to provide opportunities for youth to learn new skills, recognize individual youth’s efforts, and reduce the influence of risk factors. These programs become a safe haven for a teen. Successful programs emphasize dynamic teaching tactics such as hands-on learning, apprentice relationships, and the use of technology. They also usually culminate in a public performance or exhibition in an effort to build participants’ self-esteem through public recognition.