Well, for obvious reasons
Do you remember, your own parents influence on you? We all agree that no one knows or understand a child more than a parent and no one else can influence child more than a parent, especially in early years.
That puts more pressure on parents to be right, to perform and to be good influence.
We all do our best , from our state of present consciousness and awareness.
How much are you aware of your parenting being mired by society introjects and your own parents?
How many of your beliefs come from the way you have been raised by your parents and how many of them goes unquestioned into your parenting style?
Parenting is a journey of two individuals, two souls, each with its own attributes and attitudes.
It’s never one size fits all. What worked for you as a child might or might not work for your child.
But we never question or even be aware of this fact and not only cause a huge damage to the thriving spirit of child but also cause a big disconnect.
We all want to continue being the primary influencers in our child’s life but somehow things dissipate when they enter tweens, teens or youth. A place where they need us most , we have already caused a big disconnect , all because we thought that the way parenting is done is best suited for my child as it suited me while growing up.
I remember an incident ,when a small girl came out of “CREATIVE GENIUS WORKSHOP “ all excited , where she had explored and learned to be true to herself , her thoughts and not copy others . The minute she showed her work to her parents and started sharing her learnings , her parent (mired by belief of creativity being a nice piece of art ) questioned her , doubted her and influenced her to belief that creativity is all about producing a frame ready work of art or one is simply wasting time .
No wonder, the girl lost all her excitement and bought in belief that to produce art to please her parent.
While there is nothing wrong in learning skills of drawing and painting but there needs to pause , to understand that creativity is not all about final produce but it’s a mindset, which is built by experiences , experiments and most importantly by being free from beliefs.
This is just one example of belief, parent might be carrying. We all have loads of beliefs and the challenge is to be aware of them, being aware of not projecting them on our children
All children have all the resources to live to their truest potential. All they need is people (primarily parents and facilitators) who can help them realize this potential and live out of it.
Would you like to be PRIMARY INFLUENCER in your child’s life ?